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Raw Vegan Blueberry Ice Cream with Chia Fudge Sauce !! 🍦

Here's the other special treat I concocted last night...!

I've made a lot of raw ice creams in the past, but this new formula I'm working on is the best yet 😍

It uses a cashew base, and the freezing procedure whips air into it as it freezes- providing that signature fluffy creaminess we all identify as a primary textural feature of ice cream

I wanted to do something new for the syrup, with the goal of minimizing sugar content.

Most raw chocolate fudge is just agave and cacao, and is too rich! This adaptation involves chia gel as a base, and incorporates as much stevia as it can without affecting the flavor negatively.

This recipe is already written up as a Definite in the first Earthen Foods cookbook, set to be released on the spring equinox this year🌱

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