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Fruit & Seed Harmony Bowl

I'm really enjoying my lunch today, this absurdly simple-to-make Fruit and Seed Harmony Bowl!


So you bought a bag of Chia from Eternity in a Box and you're not quite sure what to do with them...and you're super hungry right now huh?

Go, immediately! Grab a fat handful and put it in a cup of spring water. Come back one hour later, and you'll have a big cup of Chia goo! 😍 haha

Throw this goo in a food processor or blender with one banana and whatever sharp or tart fruits you have. Today I used mandarin orange, strawberry and blueberry.

Lightly process, then throw into a bowl and add some more fresh fruit pieces and a small handful of pumpkin seeds

...and BAM 💥 awesome lunch!

Enjoy 💚💙

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